I've been receiving requests for a list of possible presents Remy would like for his birthday this year. First of all, thank you so much for remember the big little guy's special day! Your love and thoughtfulness mean much more than any physical presents.
1. a new bicycle (he has outgrown this bike from last year with the training wheels)
2. a sturdy wooden wagon (like the classic Radio Flyer) in which he and his sister can both sit without their feet crammed
3. a couple sets of bamboo utensils (http://www.upayanaturals.com/Bamboo_Flatware_Set_Includes_One_knive_fork_s_p/sfw-1101.htm)
4. bamboo tongs (right now, the takes anything - and my metal tongs to scratch surfaces) likes these http://www.grassrootsstore.com/Organic_Bamboo_Tongs_p/9986.htm
5. a contribution to his Son-Rise Program
For the first two items, it might just be easier to make a contribution toward it since it's difficult to know what size bike to buy without the kids there - and we might have to just get the materials to build a wagon that's sturdy. As for items 3 and 4, duplicate sets are welcome - they tends to break things easily.
Thank you for thoughtfulness.
Celebrate yourselves today!
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