Monday, April 18, 2011

Awesome volunteers wanted!

I've been a little "off" with Remy's Room in the last few weeks... about a month really.  A week after March Break, Remy actually broke the heavy mirror off the wall.  DH reattached it, but Remy ripped it off again the next day.  He's a really strong boy with very busy hands who seeks deep pressure all the time.  I am grateful he didn't get hurt.

Other than the missing mirror in the room, our home dynamics were also temporarily affected.  Today is the first day of a new schedule for all of us.  I'm now officially minding the children from getting up in the morning until about 7PM.  This may not sound like a lot; however, it leaves me with very little time to prep and clean without somehow neglecting the children.

There's just no way around not prepping for supper.  I used to think that I could just get the kids to help prepare meals and clean... hasn't really worked out the way I thought that it would yet.  How do I not neglect feeding my kids and yet not neglect them them while I prepare their meals?  Some help would be nice.

This is why I was SO excited to speak with a passionate and energetic youth yesterday as possibly becoming a volunteer for Remy's Room.  It was so refreshing to hear why she wanted to work with special needs children.  She told me that special children helped her to see life in a totally different perspective.  She told me that special needs people didn't show a care in the world; they were happy with life as it was.  Isn't that beautiful!  How grateful I am that this wonderful young volunteer candidate has learned this so early on in life :)  Life is perfect as it is.  One can only improve and develop to higher levels if one can accept oneself now... in the present.

I want volunteering in Remy's Room to be an unforgettable and enriching experience for everyone involved.  We are seeking volunteers who want to be happy and accepting of self and of others.  We want new ideas, new energies, styles, voices, personalities and friends for our little guy.  This is a very exciting process, and I am glad that recruitment has begun.

With that said, I shall actively update this blog with more information about becoming an awesome volunteer for Remy's Room.  In the meantime, if you know of anyone who might be interested, please let me know.  Or if you know of ways to get this message out, please help.  I look forward to your comments and messages.

Blessed be your day,


  1. Wow, that's wonderful to have found someone with such desire to make a difference for Remy. Good luck with the process! Have you tried recruiting at any of the highschools (where they have to do volunteer hours for graduation, or at any of the college programs that offer the developmental service worker program?

  2. Thanks, Julie! And it's not only for making a difference for Remy; it's about enhancing one's own life with such valuable experience. It was actually a student from a high school that I had contacted through the guidance department. And this student does NOT even need this to graduate! She WANTS to do it. This is the kind of volunteer I'm so grateful for finding. I do have a process; and it does take some time to build a team. Then again, Rome was not built in one day ;)

  3. Hi Kim. I was telling D.H about the same idea as Julie. College students who are taking the Early Childhood Education Program maybe a good idea. You could talk to the professors of the course to see if it is possible?
