Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Remy's in School!

How shall I start?  Where do I begin?

As many of you know, this Summer was packed full of different situations and events resulting in a lot of soul searching. 

Remy's sister  was at home all Summer creating very little space and little quietness which allowed for stress to build and build.  Our volunteers for Remy's Room were called elsewhere, so Remy's program was slow at home.

With the baby requiring me all the time, Alex was pretty much the person taking care of the older children.  This caused burn-out.

How would be get back our energy and a routine that worked for us?


One day, Alex and I came to an agreement to see if he could attend school, the public school.  Don't things always happen in ways that you would not have imagined?

We called our Resource person to come help us start the paperwork to see what school situation we could get Remy into for this year, even though the school year had already begun.  Not even two weeks later, I received a phone call from the Special Education Resource Teacher from our local school.  Within a week, we made an appointment for her and the Area Facilitator to come to our home to meet with Remy.

The meeting started off formal, conservative, until the moment the Area Facilitator announced that we basically could have the spot if we wanted!  We asked for a small classroom setting.  So they explained that there is one small class setting, and it happened to be in the same town where we lived... in fact, close to where we live.  Typically there would be a wait list to get into such a classroom, but another child had been withdrawn from the program (because they finally got their spot for IBI funding) just before our application was received.  Coincidence?  Cosmically beautiful.

We went to visit the school the following week, and Remy started the next day for an hour.  We would transition him slowly adding an hour per week, but just last week (when he started to take the bus), we could not pick him up with our vehicle, so it worked out that he could start full time starting last week!

We have SO much to be grateful for, let me attempt to count the endless blessings:
  1. We got Remy into a very special small classroom setting where there are four TEACCH trained adults to 6 children on the Spectrum.
  2. The staff at the school are fabulous to work with!  We are working TOGETHER to help Remy transition successfully to full time public school.  For example, they put in provisions for when the class is doing something with gluten or other substances that we help Remy to avoid.  They monitor him closely to make sure he stays within his special diet. 
  3. The bus routine is very enjoyable and reliable for Remy (and us).  The bus driver and his monitor are very excited and enthusiastic when picking him up and dropping him off.
  4. With the bus picking him up and dropping him off, I have more time to take care of other things that have been left behind... it's also a lot more peaceful, and the peace helps me be centred for the hectic times.
  5. Remy gets to interact with his peers, and when he comes home, he plays with his sister.
So far, we are thrilled that he's going to school, a place we feel is safe and provides him with different stimuli that we wouldn't be able to provide at home.  Many other things are also happening, so Remy has been extra hyperactive at home recently, but I believe with some detective work and some persistent love, he'll settle down.

Looking forward to his first full week of school (last week ended with a PA Day).  Thank you very much for reading!

Enjoy wherever you are,

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