Monday, November 5, 2012

Reflections: one year since attending New Frontiers

Wow, how times flies.

 It's been almost a year since I came back recharged and energized to run Remy's home program after returning from a training called New Frontiers.  I met with a group of passionate, energetic, loving parents (and caregivers) from around the world. 

With Bears, author of Happiness is a Choice

Aside from the classroom content, I really appreciate spending time alone with nature, and spending time with my friends.  We shared tears, stories, ideas and hope.  The support was awesome.  To makes things even sweeter, Facebook has allowed us to keep in touch, supporting each other every day.

I am grateful.

So much has happened since that wonderful week in November one year ago.

From 3 volunteers, we jumped up to 6 volunteers at a certain peak, then crashed down to zero in mid Summer.  We decided that we would move forward with a strong recruitment campaign as well as fund raising campaign only to burn out.  So, we decided to let the program go.  It's was over... at least the dream of a full time home program.  But we still maintain the attitude of unconditional love and acceptance. 

We welcomed Remy's baby brother.  By September, Remy's sister started a new school, and now Remy has started transitioning to a public school in a small classroom setting.  The teachers and staff have been supportive, for which we are grateful!

Our home has changed form so many times, it's impossible to keep up, but we are grateful for the warmth and safety it provides us.

We're doing HANDLE helping Remy's sensory development. 

We're keeping abreast of Remy's special diet, and now we've started to eat together as a family.  We've established a don't-bring-anything-Remy-can't-have rule, and it's been helping a lot.

Ah... though it's been a year since New Frontiers, I feel that we're always embarking on new frontiers.

Cheers and blissful blessings,

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