Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Peaks and Valleys

Remy has been doing exceptionally well in the last few weeks!

I just want to report that I've been consistently using doTerra oils with him on the soles of his feet at least once a day (depending on what my work schedule is, I make it a priority to oil him three times a day), I do cortices on him ideally twice a day, my friend performs BodyTalk on him from a distance, and Remy has been learning at his IBI program.

So, what growth do I see?  Well, he's using a PECs book now and stringing TWO words together on a velcro strip and giving it to us!  And yesterday he kept giving me the words "Eat" and "lunch" even though he had already had lunch.  He guys sure loves eating!  And NOW he can actually articulate it.  What a joy!

Remy's dad has been taking care of him as well as his sister's lunches and breakfasts while I go to work, so it has been an adjustment, but things are working.

With all this new development of "language" communication, Remy has had some more challenges of staying dry at night, but I believe that this is temporary as he masters the communication that he is learning right now.

I am grateful for this amazing time in his life as he is starting to hand us his requests, showing us what he wants.

Happy Holidays to you!


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