It's been over four months now since I've been back home with my beautiful growing family. New Frontiers Program as part of the Son-Rise Squence was an amazing experience... but it's an experience that has continued, and I believe, will continue further.
Since my last post was already several months ago, here's a quick update to what's been going on.
We still have three wonderful volunteers who come in twice every week to play with Remy in his Room. We are delighted that one of our volunteers will be attending Option adult courses to help her grow as a person. I am very excited for her personal journey as well as what she might bring back to share with us.
Alex has also been playing in the Room with Remy regularly after returning from Option in December from the Start-Up Program. His involvement and now deeper understanding of the Son-Rise attitude and life-style has been very helpful. Alex noticed that Remy was much more attentive to him when he returned, probably much to do with the new found attitude.
We are still looking for AWESOME people to volunteer in our program! So, if you know of someone who would love to learn more about this opportunity, please forward our website and contact information! Thank you.
l think I told everyone that while Alex was at Option that he took a huge leap of faith and put a deposit down for Remy's team (that Alex, me, baby and two other people) to attend the Intensive Program at the Autism Treatment Center of America in December 2012. Well, for financial reasons we felt it was wise to ask for a refund and cancel the Intensive for now. I'm not disappointed. In fact, I am really proud of Alex for taking that step to show his commitment and his faith in Remy's Son-Rise Program. Somehow with will, I believe we will be able to fund raise to cover the $18,400 USD program plus travel.
Right now, it is the present that matters. Someone I have to remind myself to be kind to ourselves in order to propel ourselves forward.
Remy's Progress:
This past weekend was Family Day weekend in Ontario, so we got the Monday off. On the Saturday, Remy's Auntie and my friend Dana took Remy and Little Sister to go swimming at a small private condo. I couldn't remember the last time Remy showed SO much excitement, thrill and expression of his happiness and freedom. At first he was a little hesitant about going in to the pool, but with help from Auntie and Dana, he entered the water... then he got out, ran about the deck (although we helplessly called for him to stop running on the wet deck!), got back in, splashed everyone, vocalized his thrill non stop... WOW! what a blast he had. It was so exciting for us to watch the FUN exploding out of this little boy.
The next day, Sunday, Auntie and one of our volunteers Tara took both kids tobogganing! Yet another thrilling activity for Remy. He was all giggles, massive sweet smiles. He was bursting with energy as he ran up the hill time and time again while the others got tired.
During the year before Remy's ASD diagnosis, Alex would try to take Remy out tobogganing or swimming or some other activity he thought Remy would enjoy... I remember asking Alex after the first time he took Remy tobogganing, "did Remy have fun?" Alex's responded that he wasn't sure. Remy seemed to have the same expression, the same looking at space no matter what he did. Today, I can confidently testify that Remy is indeed more connected with us and much more in our world than two or three years ago.
Permanent change is gradual, no? We have definitely made progress! It takes time to see the changes. After swimming on the Saturday, we visited Dana's parents in their new condo briefly, and Dana's dad told me that Remy was different; he seemed a lot more sociable. Dana's dad hadn't seen Remy in over a year, and he said that before Remy would not go near him or look at him much less say "hi" or "bye". During this short visit, Remy got close enough to almost drink his Coke and rum! And when leaving Remy waved and said "bye bye"! Little by little, our little boy is connecting more and more with us.
I am grateful for this opportunity to share with you these wonderful blessings. I hope that you can also delight in our journey with us.
Enjoy your day!