Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fund Raising Update for New Frontiers and Start-Up

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for your thoughts and time to read my posts about our fund raising!

I'd also like to extend our gratitude to our friends and family who have been able to generously donate to our cause.  To date, we have been gifted $450!  Thank you.  No amount is too small.  Every thing adds up.

Let me please remind you, that your thoughts and prayers mean a lot even if you aren't able to donate.  They are the vibrations that help lead us to our goal.

We are looking to cover New Frontiers ($2500), Start-Up ($2200) and Travel (est. $1000) - all USD
We are grateful for the funds that have already arrived:  $1700 (from Autism Treatment Center Scholarship), $350 (referral discount), $450 from loving friends and family since the start of this current Fund Raising campaign, and $355 from previous fund raising (a raffle at Nana Nancy's birthday party, two yard sales, optional donations for plants and my mom's delicious eggrolls).  There remains a balance of $2845, but there is still time!

Thank you all again for your involvement!  Blissful blessings for a brilliant day,

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