Training is going GGGGREAT!
Our young and vibrant volunteers are awesome. We had another training session today, and the volunteers who attended noticed themselves having a much easier time being with Remy in the room compared to last week.
Last week was the first time volunteers went into the Room with Remy. To ease them into their new role as facilitators, I first let them observe me through our one way mirror playing with the little guy. After a few minutes, I transitioned Remy to the first visitor, Tara. After Tara, it was Maryam and then Khang. It was a relay.
It was a high energy, exhausting and invigorating for the girls. Thank goodness for a strong positive attitude. They ran around, carried Remy, spun him (he's about 70 pounds now), rocked him, piggybacked him... they were in each about 4 minutes at a time. It was probably the most strenuous 4 minutes they had faced in their whole week. Congratulations, might volunteers! We won the relay!
They all came out breathing heavily, sweating, smiling with messy hair. When we sat down to chat about their experience in the Play Room, Tara exclaimed that she would come the next time in her work out clothes.
Today was a more laid-back day. Maybe it was due to Remy losing his first tooth sometime yesterday evening (he still has one more wiggly tooth). Maybe it was because Remy had already initiated them into his Room. Whatever it was, the volunteers felt much more "centred", as one of them put it, rather than scattered. I assured them that it's going to be a lot of learning for all of us, Kim included.
We're moving along now. Let us use this momentum to build strength and move forward.
With Energy, Excitement and Enthusiam,
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