It's reached the point where I would run to the area where I hear him babble and rip something. "Did I put the receipts away?" I would ask myself. I'd run to the ripping sound and let out a sigh of relief as I see him ripping scrap paper or napkins (I don't know how or where he finds these as we use reusable cloth).
Ripping is not confined to the Playroom. Remy will rip anything! So far, the most interesting this is paper as it is plentiful, but he enjoys experimenting with different textures, colours and sizes. Aside from standard paper, he will also rip leaves from plants (house plants, tree leaves, raspberry leaves, etc.), pages from books, envelops, paper bags, tissues, bathroom tissue, receipts, his sister's crafts, calendars, notes, cardboard boxes - just name it!
So, what's the problem? He's happy and content ripping away. Well, it's just a little tricky and sometimes a little frustrating keeping up with all the shreds on tables, chairs and on the floor. Aside from our time invested in cleaning up our home environment, it also costs money to replace books and toilet paper so frequently.
DH asked me, "how do we make him stop ripping?" My reply was that we simply couldn't make anyone do anything. All we can do is to set up an environment that is less conducive to ripping. It's not Remy's fault that he rips. I believe that, and this believe is supported by OTs we have seen, his ripping serves a purpose in helping him develop dexterity in his fingers. He's learning whatever needs - to us this just might seem like a long time as we keep having to sweep up his paper trails.
Could this ism be serving any other purpose? It keeps him focused. DH asked if this ism has just become a force of habit. It definitely could be that way. He's just used to doing it.
For now, the only resolution we have come up with is keep all important documents stowed safely away, try to place rippables (I just coined that word) out of sight and reach while believing my child is doing the best that he can - and also to just spend time with him instead of cleaning up while he's ripping - although, he helps too.
Please leave me your comments. Thanks for coming by! Enjoy your day,