Thursday, May 5, 2011

Off-Kilter with Sickness barf relay

Hmm... I thought about changing the title of this post to "Off-Kilter with Symptoms of regaining health" - but it's otherwise known to people being sick.

It's been a little challenging the last few weeks to find the momentum that I was riding with Remy's Son-Rise Program.  Early last week, Remy and I spent most of the morning in his playroom doing "quiet" things such as scratching the floor with hard objects (sticks, for example).  We did that the whole morning.  Then, the wouldn't eat lunch yet was not upset about it.  The afternoon we just lying quietly on the playroom floor until I decided that he might want to lie down in my bed and perhaps for the first time in years (unless he was sick), take a nap!

Oh, the possibilities of what I could do if he actually slept!  So I put him in my bed, lay down beside him.  Oh, I also put on a CD of Gregorian Chants to help sooth him.  He actually fell asleep!  That evening, he also skipped supper.  Hm, yes the indications were there:  a nap and skipped meals with no fuss was pointing at some sort of bug.

What do you do when your kid is sick?  In a way, I think that our program is like attending school.  If you're not well, you take a break until you're up to getting back into the routine.  As you know from my previous, post, the guy also skipped his birthday and opted to go to bed.

The weekend seemed okay on and off.  It was then his sister who become sick with vomit during the night.  This meant that she couldn't go to school on Monday... which also meant no Remy's Room.  She continued to barf for the next three days during bed time and once during supper.  Tuesday the was all limp and silent.  Finally, Wednesday we sent back to school.  It was also the first day in weeks that it didn't rain so I quickly took Remy out to double dig (actually, I cheated and didn't do it thoroughly) two begs to start my seedlings.  So, Thursday was to be the day to go back into Remy's Room...

Or was it?

DH came down with some sort of bug that kept him throwing up from about midnight until early afternoon the next day.  So to give him some quiet space and time to sleep (since he lost sleep during the night), I took Remy for a couple of necessary errands.  Poor Remy.  I didn't know he was sick until he barfed up his breakfast at Value Village.

Well, what was I to do?  My hands were full of vomit, toilet not close by, and no one seemed to notice.  I saw an employee passing by and asked for some assistance.  Finally, someone came with a mop.  I think she was very grateful when I told her that I could clean everything up if she just provided me with some (a lot of) paper towel.

Always, I ask myself:  what are you grateful for?  I was grateful he barfed in a clean area, away from merchandise.  I was grateful that he was able to hold it in while we drove home.  I was grateful that his body knew to detoxify.

We made it home with a new pair of pants for him.  Soon after we arrived home, he went to bed.  DH was now sleeping in my daughter's bed.  Our bed was stripped from vomit, I had pillows to still be washed.  Ah, but I did find the quietness and peace when the two were asleep.  I made my salad, ate it without anyone bothering me before I got to cleaning up.  Just before I could brush my teeth, I heard Remy throw up again.  It was all over his face and neck.  To my appreciation, only the pillow was soiled.  He would barf again a little later when I had to strip his bed again.

What am I grateful for?  My own set of washer and dryer, a clotheslines, sun - uh-oh, I hear Remy coughing right now - better go.

Happy and healthy day to all!

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